Reka creates
more value for people
A pioneering spirit that keeps up with the times
«Making holidays and leisure time possible for everyone» – this mission is still the same today as it was in 1939 when Reka was founded. True to the pioneering spirit of those days, we are still in search of new, forward-looking solutions today, with foresight and initiative. And our overarching goal is still to help people get more out of their holidays and leisure time. We understand this to mean: more relaxation, more experiences, more balance and more togetherness. This is why we would like to make holidays and leisure not only cheaper, but also more varied and personalised with our smart means of payment and versatile offers.
Some facts about Reka
More than 1,000,000 customers take advantage of discounted Reka Money.
The annual sum of all discounts amounts to over CHF 100 million.
More than 1,000,000 overnight stays are booked with us every year.
Over 1,000 employees in the network care for our customers.
Reka as a driver of the Swiss holiday and leisure industry
With our two business segments Reka Money and Reka Holidays, we are unique worldwide. The earmarked rec-reational allowance is available at a discount in various forms from numerous employers, employee associations and Coop supermarkets. And it’s welcomed at numerous acceptance points throughout Switzer-land. A unique money cycle where everyone benefits: users benefit from a larger holiday and leisure budget, employers from a popular, flexible fringe benefit system and acceptance points from more sales and new cus-tomers. The resulting additional consumption of more than CHF 100 million per year bolsters the Swiss leisure and tourism sector. In addition, the majority of our own holiday resorts are located away from the busy Swiss tourist centres and thus help promote individual locations.

The Swiss business community working together for the common good
Reka's success is based on a good idea, which was realised at the right time with a unique coalition. In 1939, rep-resentatives of major Swiss companies, employee associations and tourism organisations founded the Reka Co-operative. Today, the list of around 500 cooperative members reads like a "who's who" of the Swiss economy: ABB, AXA, Basler Versicherungen, Coop, Credit Suisse, Fenaco, Swiss Post, hotelleriesuisse, the Swiss Commercial Association, Novartis, Raiffeisen, Roche, SBB, Swiss National Bank, Swatch Group, Swiss Life, Syngenta, UBS, Unia and many other companies and organisations contribute to our success. Reka has become as much a part of Swiss culture as a pocket knife in a hiking rucksack and is one of the most important tourist companies in Switzer-land.
Our mission
We think about holidays and leisure time differently – we’re always aiming to help people benefit more from their free time. In doing so, we follow a non-profit principle and do our part for the environment. As a non-profit enterprise we do not distribute profits, but invest them in our social tourism business purpose.
What sets us apart
With ambition and courage, we are committed to generating new ideas and meeting the needs of our customers and partners. We make a significant contribution to the promotion of tourism and business in Switzerland – and have done so sustainably and with future generations in mind. We are proud of our long-standing tradition and our continuous development.
Our services
For private individuals:
We are the issuer of the unique rewards vouchers, and our holiday resorts in Switzerland and nearby countries offer recreation, entertainment and lots of fun for young and old alike.
For employers
No fringe benefit is as versatile or capable of being used in so many ways as Reka Money. Also as a bonus or gift, rewards vouchers are very popular with employees and are even tax-exempt.
For acceptance locations
Since Reka Money is discounted and prepaid, it is spent more easily. We advertise all acceptance locations through our channels. This leads to greater visibility, new customers and more sales.
For giving back to our communities
Our Reka Foundation for Holiday Aid enables low-income families to take a holiday and provides special offers for single parents. We also support holiday camps for children and young people with disabilities.