Kinder balancieren über Baumstamm

Holidays with children

Holidays with children are always a success with Reka ...

As the Swiss number 1 for family holidays, we at Reka know one thing for sure: children also need a chance to take a break and relax – away from day-care, kindergarten and school stress, with a change of scenery full of fun, games and variety, with new freedoms as well as ideas for valuable time together with the family.  In our  holiday world you’ll find inspiration for time out with children of all ages, from holidays with baby to holidays with small children,  to holidays with teens and even  holidays with the grandparents and with the dog, because she’s also part of the family.
When the children are happy, the parents are too! Everyone has their own needs and wishes. And Reka has the right holiday home in Switzerland or abroad.

Holidays with children are also holidays for Mum and Dad

Having a lie-in, a quiet breakfast, planning the day and then enjoying your free time .... everyone has to enjoy successful family holidays. The best thing about your Reka holidays is that busy days are the programme at Reka Holiday Villages and Resorts. So that parents can enjoy a few relaxing hours, the 12 Reka Holiday Villages offer action and variety directly in the holiday resort, for example at our “Paradiso Ticinese” and many wonderful adventure worlds such as the Goldrush, Animals and Farmers, the Railway  Adventure, Witchcraft, Dwarfs’ Worlds or Circus Life. Time flies by here. There are our  Rekalino Clubs too – the family programme that is included in the price with childcare for all ages. With us you’ll find everything to give parents time to relax:

  •  Extensive kids’ playing facilities, play areas, games rooms, mini-golf, table tennis, volley ball, billiard rooms, sports activities, beach entertainment programme in Tuscany, etc.
  • Own outdoor or indoor swimming pools with children’s paddling areas. 
  • Fun, action, water fun and a large adventure farmyard in the biggest leisure park in Switzerland at the Swiss Holiday Park in Morschach
  • Seaside holidays and beach life with peers at the Reka Holiday Resort at Golfo del Sole in Tuscany
  • Gratis rental service for baby articles:  We provide cots, changing mats, baby baths, high chairs, backpacks, buggies, baby phone & co. in all our facilities.
  • At selected facilities: baby swimming or baby care weeks

Book your Reka Holidays with children today!

Discover the popular Reka facilities. Browse through our versatile range in Switzerland and abroad. Book just the right accommodation for holidays with your children and in all seasons look forward to the best time of the year! In the meantime, we’ll look forward to welcoming you!

Swimming or mountains? Where should we go?

What are your expectations for the holidays? Talk about it with the family, let the children have their say in the choice of holiday destination. Check out the website with holiday destinations together. Make sure they’re involved in the fact that getting ready for travel requires intensive preparation and can be quite strenuous, especially with small children – the tedious long trip, time differences, change of climate or the “don’t forget” packing lists are only the tiniest difficulties...
Beach holidays in Europe are relatively uncomplicated – or if you prefer to avoid the heat – cooler mountain holidays.  You’ll find both with Reka: family-friendly resorts for bathing holidays near the beach, Camping Offers, Adventure holidays in the special accommodation at Center Parcs or the Family rooms at a hotel high up above the lake in Brissago. And, of course, you have our own Holiday Villages and Resorts in the most beautiful spots in the Swiss mountains. These are especially well-equipped for children. A modern, clean and roomy holiday flat awaits you with us. The apartment is fully equipped with everything you don’t want to have to drag with you on holiday. Your Reka Holiday home offers privacy as well as contacts with other families with children. Everything around you, young and old, will always be a new experience. Your Reka Holiday flat is the perfect departure point for excursions, for adventures hiking, skiing, climbing, biking, swimming in mountain lakes and many more leisure activities - so your children will definitely never get bored in the mountains, no matter whether it’s summer or winter!

“I’m bored, Daddy”... travelling with children.

Anyone who has children knows that refrain:  the journey has scarcely begun when someone’s already thirsty, hungry, needs to go to the toilet or stretch their legs... now is the time to be creative and organise «activities».

  • Pack enough healthy snacks, so as not to waste the family budget already at service stations or railway buffets.
  • Provide entertainment! Fill up the journey with games, a film on your tablet PC or extra time for them on your mobile phone
  • Sing a few songs together or while away the time with audiobooks and children’s CDs
  • Reading is always a good idea. Children love comics and books
  • Painting and drawing: with felt pens, paper or colouring books etc., time goes by in a flash!

By car or Public Transport? Which means of transport is the best?

Our facilities provide sufficient parking space for guests who prefer to travel by car. However, rail, bus, tram and boat are a reliable, simple, environmentally friendly, safe and reasonably-prices alternative which is worth trying. For one thing, our facilities are invariably directly located on PT routes. Otherwise, you can take advantage of the free or affordable arrangements offered on the spot by local transport companies and mountain railways. For your excursions and discovery tours PT are the best means of transport anyway. For the journey, book the practical return transport of your holiday luggage by train. SBB (in Switzerland) pick up your cases from home. When you arrive, everything’s already in your holiday flat – what could be more comfortable? On top of that, travelling to the mountains without any traffic jams is more relaxing. The children have more space and sometimes there’s even a kids’ playing compartment. You’re already on holiday in the train: there are good reasons for taking public transport for holiday travel. Give it a try ...

What should we pack for the holiday for children?

Most things are already there at your Reka Holiday destination – we’re responsible for baby articles, toys and games and sports equipment. We guarantee medical care everywhere. You are the best one to choose suitable clothing and adapt it to the holiday destination.
Before departure, however, you should check again you have a few essential things with you for your loved ones:

  • Cuddly bears and blankets and the favourite snuggie
  • Special medication for your child’s regular treatment
  • The nearest chemist is never far but, to be on the safe side, pack fever-lowering medicine, travel sickness and diarrhoea preparations, nose drops, antiseptic cream, bandages and band-aids
  • Disinfectant
  • Remedies for insect and tick bites
  • And very important: sun-blocker cream with a sufficiently high protection factor

As a golden rule for holidays with children: less is more. Leave routine at home. You want to discover something new. And if ever there’s a mishap, your Reka host and hostess at your facility will give you fast, straightforward assistance.

Are we whetting your appetite? Discover unforgettable Reka Holiday experiences!

Our offers for holidays with children